Introduction to Python Programming Language

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Python is a computer language that is designed by Guido van Rossum who is a Dutch programmer.

There are a lot of different parts of Python that we need to learn. These are some of them:

Boolean: a datatype that can have the value of True and False:

Example: 1 > 6  (False)

    6 >= 9 = (False)

    1 = 1 (True)

Comparision: the statements used to compare different numbers


==  (equals)

!= (not equals)

< (less than)

<= (less than or equal to)

If statement: if the statement sets a condition, if the condition is true then do something.


If input > 100:

Print ‘You are the first customers!’

(Note: Indentation is really important in python, Every space and character should be structured in the required form)

Elif Statement: the statement that lets you set a lot more conditions than the If statement

Else Statement: the last statement in a condition

(Lessons about Loops)

For Loop: (Loop is to repeat something again and again) For loop allows you to repeat a thing over and again for a certain amount of times.

Break Statement: Just like the word sounds, Break Statements break the loops and stop it from running.

Continue: Continue stops one repetition and continues to the next one. It skips a loop when it meets a certain condition.

Range Function: Range function allows us to count in a huge range of numbers.

Applying Coding to Real Life Examples:

One of the challenges that our teacher gave us to work on is:  Give the user 3 tries to guess a number between 1 and 10 (includes 1 and 10) that the computer created randomly.

If they guess correctly within 3 tries, they win. If they don’t, they lose.

This is what my code looks like to give the user 3 tries to guess the random number from the computers:

random_number = randint(1, 10)

attempt = 0

while attempt < 3:

   guess = input(“Guess a number between 1 and 10 (included):”)

   if guess == random_number:

       print ‘You are correct! You win!’



       print ‘You are wrong. Sorry’

   attempt += 1

print “Game Over”

(By running this code, the user can put 3 inputs, and the program will tell them if it is right or wrong. If they could not get in after 3 tries, they loses)