Leading a skill-building ASE

Being a leader, survival in the lack of resources, communication, collaboration and working as a team, respect, sharing and listening. These are the qualities that change agents ought to be able to display under different circumstances. In order to practice and learn more about these skills and qualities, I and another junior student (Kimhor) led an ASE (After_School_Extensions)  called IDY (I_Dare_You) that involves other 8 students. The ASE main goal is to help students to be able to express their own skills through different challenges and missions. For example, in the second week of the ASE, we arranged a bike trip to the neighboring community with all of the participants. The participants have to complete a mission where they need to go and ask the villagers for drinks due to their lack of money. Because most of them are dehydrated and tired from the long bike ride, they worked as a team and tried their best to communicate with the villagers with respect to get these drinks. They tried many different strategies including offering to help with chores, entertain the villagers by singing, dancing with them, etc.

Participants doing Chores for Drinks
Participants help villagers with their daily work

Throughout the course of this ASE, they continued doing these types of missions, interview and listen to different people, interact with each other through fun games and challenges. The final project that we want the participants to finish is creating a journal or memoir that reflects the whole ASE where they can also put in the stories of different people they interviewed. Overall, leading this ASE is a success and I am looking forward to be seeing these qualities grow even the course is finished. 

An amazing team photo

Carbon and the Black Snake Experiment

Carbon is an extraordinary element that can combine with itself and many other elements to create a huge range of compounds. It is a non-metal element that has four valence electrons that are involved in different chemical bonds. It is the most important element for living things. Carbon-based compounds in living things are called biochemical compounds. They make up the cells and tissues of organisms and also involves important processes to support life including making and using food to make energy. Pure Carbon exists as crystals in three forms, fullerenes, diamond and graphite. Though Carbon can form with many elements, it mostly bonds with Hydrogen to create a type of compound called Hydrocarbon.

Hydrocarbons: Hydrocarbons are compounds that only consist of hydrogen and carbon atoms. It mostly comes from several main sources including coal, fossil fuels, petroleum, and natural gas. The size of the hydrocarbon’s molecule can determine its property. Therefore, some hydrocarbons are gas, solid or liquid at room temperature. There are two different types of hydrocarbons: Saturated and Unsaturated. Saturated are those hydrocarbons with a single bonding between carbon atoms and Unsaturated has two or more bondings between carbon atoms. Hydrocarbons are really important to our civilization because it is used mostly as fuels and for manufacturing plastics which are major parts of the modern cities. There is a total of 8 hydrocarbons with different names and properties.

Isomers: Isomers are compounds that contain the same amount and types of molecules but they are arranged differently. They usually have somewhat different properties especially the difference in melting points.

Learning More of Carbon: The Black Snake experiment

In order to understand more about the properties of Carbon, we did an experiment called The Black Snake.


  1. Bowl
  2. Some Sand
  3. Alcohol
  4. Baking Soda
  5. Some Sugar


  1. Mix the sugar with the baking soda (put the sugar more than the baking soda)
  2. Put some sand into the bow that is wrapped with an aluminum sheet
  3. Put the mixture of sugar and the baking soda into the center of the sand.
  4. Put some alcohol around the mountain of the mixture
  5. Throw a match into the bowl and wait for the black snake to come out.




Sugar The simplest type of sugar is called glucose which contains Carbon.  
Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide is a colorless gas that forms between the bonding between Carbon and Oxygen. Carbon can burn and combine with oxygen to make Carbon Dioxide.  



Baking Soda is Sodium Bicarbonate. When combined with acid and a liquid, it produces carbon dioxide gas. Sugar also contains carbon. When we put the alcohol into the mixture of baking soda and sugar and flame it with a match, the burned carbon will produce the carbon ash that we can see as the black snake that comes out and it is pushed or  enlarged by Carbon Dioxide that produced from the reaction between carbon items in the sugar, baking soda, and alcohol. (it is the reason why cooks use baking soda to bake because when it reacts with any type of acid or liquid, it will produce carbon dioxide which enlarges the dough). In addition, the alcohol helps to produce the constant flames that heated up the mixture.


  1. https://www.quora.com/Is-baking-soda-the-same-as-corn-starch
  2. https://www.finecooking.com/article/baking-soda-and-baking-powder
  3. https://www.ck12.org/book/CK-12-Physical-Science-For-Middle-School/section/9.2/


Introduction to Python Programming Language

Image result for python programming language


Python is a computer language that is designed by Guido van Rossum who is a Dutch programmer.

There are a lot of different parts of Python that we need to learn. These are some of them:

Boolean: a datatype that can have the value of True and False:

Example: 1 > 6  (False)

    6 >= 9 = (False)

    1 = 1 (True)

Comparision: the statements used to compare different numbers


==  (equals)

!= (not equals)

< (less than)

<= (less than or equal to)

If statement: if the statement sets a condition, if the condition is true then do something.


If input > 100:

Print ‘You are the first customers!’

(Note: Indentation is really important in python, Every space and character should be structured in the required form)

Elif Statement: the statement that lets you set a lot more conditions than the If statement

Else Statement: the last statement in a condition

(Lessons about Loops)

For Loop: (Loop is to repeat something again and again) For loop allows you to repeat a thing over and again for a certain amount of times.

Break Statement: Just like the word sounds, Break Statements break the loops and stop it from running.

Continue: Continue stops one repetition and continues to the next one. It skips a loop when it meets a certain condition.

Range Function: Range function allows us to count in a huge range of numbers.

Applying Coding to Real Life Examples:

One of the challenges that our teacher gave us to work on is:  Give the user 3 tries to guess a number between 1 and 10 (includes 1 and 10) that the computer created randomly.

If they guess correctly within 3 tries, they win. If they don’t, they lose.

This is what my code looks like to give the user 3 tries to guess the random number from the computers:

random_number = randint(1, 10)

attempt = 0

while attempt < 3:

   guess = input(“Guess a number between 1 and 10 (included):”)

   if guess == random_number:

       print ‘You are correct! You win!’



       print ‘You are wrong. Sorry’

   attempt += 1

print “Game Over”

(By running this code, the user can put 3 inputs, and the program will tell them if it is right or wrong. If they could not get in after 3 tries, they loses)

Dividing and Multiplication by 0.1

This round, Math class is focused mainly on Decimals. While most of us is familiar with whole numbers, decimals are also important to keep in mind. 

This is a video I made to show some of the conversion from Fractions to Decimals that are most important to keep in mind. 

With whole numbers, multiplication means making the number bigger and division means making the number smaller. However, it is the exact opposite when it is applied to the number ‘0.1’. Let’s learn more about that in this video that I have created just for you. 

To watch the video, please Click Here. 


ការសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវអំពីវេយ្យាករណ៏ខ្មែរ (គុណកិរិយា)

នូវក្នុងវគ្គសិក្សាទី៤នេះ ពួកយើងបានសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវទាក់ទងអំពីវេយ្យាករណ៏ខ្មែរ ដែលមានដូចជា គុណកិរិយា កិរិយាស័ព្ទ គុណនាម ឧទានស័ព្ទ ល្បះកម្ម​និងល្បះកត្តុ ធ្នាក់ នាម​ ល្បះទោល និង ល្បះផ្សំ សន្ធាន (ឈ្នាប់) សព្វនាម និង ឧទានស័ព្ទ។

នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់ពួកយើងបានបែងចែកជាក្រុមៗ ហើយធ្វើការសិក្សារស្រាវជ្រាវទៅលើប្រធានបទមួយៗ។

ក្រោយពីពួកយើងបានសិក្សារស្រាវជ្រាវរួចមកហើយ ពួកយើងក៍កត្រូវរៀបចំការធ្វើបទបង្ហាញមួយដើម្បី

ធ្វើការចែករំលែកមេរៀនដែលយើងបានរៀនទៅកាន់មិត្តរួមថ្នាក់ និង លោកគ្រូ ផងដែរ។ ធ្វើបែបនេះ យើងអាចសិក្សានិងពិភាក្សារទៅលើប្រធានបទមួយៗឲ្យបានកាន់តែជ្រៅបន្ថែមទៀត ហើយថែមទាំងអាចចែករំលែកអ្វីដែលយើងបានរៀនទៅកាន់មិត្តរួមថ្នាក់ទៀតផង។

ក្រុមរបស់ខ្ញុំបានសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវអំពី គុណកិរិយា និង ប្រភេទផ្សេងៗរបស់វា។ នេះគឺជាមេរៀនដែលខ្ញុំបានស្រាវជ្រាវ


គុណកិរិយា គឺជាពាក្យទាំងឡាយណា ដែលត្រូវបានប្រើប្រាស់ដើម្បីពណ៌នា​ ឫបញ្ជាក់លក្ខណៈ ឲ្យអំពើរបស់កិរិយាស័ព្ទ​ ឫកំរិតរបស់គុណនាម ឫគុណកិរិយាខ្លួនឯងដែរ ។ គុណកិរិយាមានច្រើនប្រភេទខុសៗគ្នាដោយសំដៅទៅលើវត្ថុបំណងប្រើប្រាស់របស់វា ។​

គុណកិរិយាបំនែប​   (បង្ហាញពីបែបបទរបស់កិរិយា) Adverb of Manners


ដើរលឿន ធ្វើការយឺត រត់រហ័ស ញញឹមស្រស់ ធ្វើម្ហូបឆ្ងាញ់ គូរស្អាត យំរឿយ

កុំព្យូទ័ររបស់មិត្តភក្តិខ្ញុំដើរ យឺត

គុណកិរិយាកាល      (បង្ហាញពីពេលវេលានៃអំពើរបស់កិរិយា) Adverb of Frequencies


ស្អែក លោកឆាមនិងមកដល់ក្រុមហ៊ុនអារ៉ូម៉ា។

ម្សិលមិញ ខ្ញុំនាំប្អូនស្រីដើរលេង។  

គុណកិរិយាសំណួរ ​   (បង្ហាញពីសំណួរទាំងឡាយ) Adverb of Questions

គុណកិរិយាសំណួរ ​   ត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីសួរបញ្ជាក់អំពី


ទីកន្លែង (នៅឯណា ទីណា)

កាល (ពេលណា ម៉ោងប៉ុន្មាន ឆ្នាំណា)

បែបបទ​ (ដូចម្តេច យ៉ាងម៉េច)

នៃ កិរិយា


ស្អែក យើងរៀននៅកន្លែងណា?​

អ្នកស្រី ការស្នើសុំរបស់អ្នកស្រី យ៉ាងមេ៉ចហើយ?

គុណកិរិយាបរិមាណ (បង្ហាញពីចំនួន ឫ ជំរៅរបស់កិរយា ឬ គុណនាម) Adverb of Quantity


ម្តាយគ្រប់រូប ស្រលាញ់បុត្រភ្ងាណាស់



គុណកិរិយាកន្លែង     (បង្ហាញពីកន្លែង) Adverb of Places

គឺជាគុណកិរិយាប្រាប់ទីកន្លែងនៃអំពើរបស់កិរិយា ។ គុណកិរិយាកន្លែងទាំងនោះមានដូចជា៖ ខាងលើ ខាងក្រោម ខាងក្នុង ខាងក្រៅ ឆ្ងាយ ជិត ទីនេះ ក្បែទីនោះ …។






(ឯកសារយោង http://sokna70khmer.weebly.com/601860756030601660716042607160416070.html)

Identity Theme | Where I’m From

Have you ever wonder ‘What makes you who you are?’ and ‘What are the factors that help to define who you are?’  

Well, that is what we have been discussed and studied about. Each person in this world has different personalities, thoughts, ideas, stories, and Identity. But the interesting part is how did those personalities develop in each of us? Is it all comes from those genes that we inherit from our parents? Is it from the environment around us? Or Is it our choice to become who we want to be?

A big part of Identity is our names, the word that we live on with our entire life. I believe names can have an impact on people and their personality. To further dig into this topic, I have written a writing piece that explains how my name has left an impact and identity to my life. It is inspired by a beautiful writing piece from the book The House on Mango Street.  (If you want to see the explanation of my name, you can read it in About Me Category)

Besides Name, The Place and the Origin that each of us comes from plays a huge role in who we are and the person that we became. We have stories to tell, opinions to give and memories to treasure. Those are all from the place that we come from. So, Where are you from and Where am I from?

Here is a poem that I wrote about my Identity and where I am from. It is inspired by a poem by George Ella Lyon. (The structure is also from Lyon’s Writing)



Literacy Essential

Where I’m From


I’m from screws and nails, from frying pans and sunflower oil.

I’m from the swings and toys that laid next to the sweet small house, the most vivid memory of my childhood.

I ’m from the green leaves that made those oily potions.

The river tamarind trees whose seeds I can still taste on my tongue.

I’m from the sticky rice cakes made during Phchum Ben and the white shirts and silk skirts in pagodas, from my mom and grandma.

I’m from the sweat that drops down my grandfather’s neck and the neighbor’s old bike that gave me that scar on my left ankle.

I’m from the quick-moving hands my mother has when she sews and gives the grade to her students.

I’m from write with your right hand! And Where’s your book? And those old songs my mother put…

I’m from the hard-working days and endless efforts in those farming fields

I’m from the dolphin province, and the warm, welcoming village

I’m from the sweet egg drink and dried, salty cucumbers

I’m from the brave people on the wall of my grandmother’s house, whose faces are identical to my mom.

I’m from the tale of my grandfather’s bravery whose name became part of mine and face I only remember from an old picture.

The legs my family run for their lives_

The wishes they  prayed for the chance to live

The big wooden house which their souls still linger on

The farm that my grandfather had always treasured

And all of the others buried memories

I’m from every moment of those people before me, the seed that falls from great history. This is me.