In this first term of my third year at Liger, we are focusing on Root Words and Etymology in the literacy class. We have been learning different root words that originated from Greek and Latin. Those root words include bio, photo, Phil, sci, phon, aud, aqua, etc. This is a splendid opportunity for me to learn more about the literacy of English and it helps me more with my vocabulary skills. We have been reading articles and we had our first official peer discussion about the articles that we have read.
I read about a deaf couple who own an extremely successful business in spite of their disability and discrimination. The morals of this article are that even we are disabled or different from others, it doesn’t mean that you can’t pursue your dreams. Many disabled people gave up their dreams because of discrimination and difficulties. However, the article is an inspiration and I would highly encourage other people to do the same as the deaf-couple which overcame their great difficulties.
The inspiring article I read: