Dividing and Multiplication by 0.1

This round, Math class is focused mainly on Decimals. While most of us is familiar with whole numbers, decimals are also important to keep in mind. 

This is a video I made to show some of the conversion from Fractions to Decimals that are most important to keep in mind. 

With whole numbers, multiplication means making the number bigger and division means making the number smaller. However, it is the exact opposite when it is applied to the number ‘0.1’. Let’s learn more about that in this video that I have created just for you. 

To watch the video, please Click Here. 


ការសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវអំពីវេយ្យាករណ៏ខ្មែរ (គុណកិរិយា)

នូវក្នុងវគ្គសិក្សាទី៤នេះ ពួកយើងបានសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវទាក់ទងអំពីវេយ្យាករណ៏ខ្មែរ ដែលមានដូចជា គុណកិរិយា កិរិយាស័ព្ទ គុណនាម ឧទានស័ព្ទ ល្បះកម្ម​និងល្បះកត្តុ ធ្នាក់ នាម​ ល្បះទោល និង ល្បះផ្សំ សន្ធាន (ឈ្នាប់) សព្វនាម និង ឧទានស័ព្ទ។

នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់ពួកយើងបានបែងចែកជាក្រុមៗ ហើយធ្វើការសិក្សារស្រាវជ្រាវទៅលើប្រធានបទមួយៗ។

ក្រោយពីពួកយើងបានសិក្សារស្រាវជ្រាវរួចមកហើយ ពួកយើងក៍កត្រូវរៀបចំការធ្វើបទបង្ហាញមួយដើម្បី

ធ្វើការចែករំលែកមេរៀនដែលយើងបានរៀនទៅកាន់មិត្តរួមថ្នាក់ និង លោកគ្រូ ផងដែរ។ ធ្វើបែបនេះ យើងអាចសិក្សានិងពិភាក្សារទៅលើប្រធានបទមួយៗឲ្យបានកាន់តែជ្រៅបន្ថែមទៀត ហើយថែមទាំងអាចចែករំលែកអ្វីដែលយើងបានរៀនទៅកាន់មិត្តរួមថ្នាក់ទៀតផង។

ក្រុមរបស់ខ្ញុំបានសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវអំពី គុណកិរិយា និង ប្រភេទផ្សេងៗរបស់វា។ នេះគឺជាមេរៀនដែលខ្ញុំបានស្រាវជ្រាវ


គុណកិរិយា គឺជាពាក្យទាំងឡាយណា ដែលត្រូវបានប្រើប្រាស់ដើម្បីពណ៌នា​ ឫបញ្ជាក់លក្ខណៈ ឲ្យអំពើរបស់កិរិយាស័ព្ទ​ ឫកំរិតរបស់គុណនាម ឫគុណកិរិយាខ្លួនឯងដែរ ។ គុណកិរិយាមានច្រើនប្រភេទខុសៗគ្នាដោយសំដៅទៅលើវត្ថុបំណងប្រើប្រាស់របស់វា ។​

គុណកិរិយាបំនែប​   (បង្ហាញពីបែបបទរបស់កិរិយា) Adverb of Manners


ដើរលឿន ធ្វើការយឺត រត់រហ័ស ញញឹមស្រស់ ធ្វើម្ហូបឆ្ងាញ់ គូរស្អាត យំរឿយ

កុំព្យូទ័ររបស់មិត្តភក្តិខ្ញុំដើរ យឺត

គុណកិរិយាកាល      (បង្ហាញពីពេលវេលានៃអំពើរបស់កិរិយា) Adverb of Frequencies


ស្អែក លោកឆាមនិងមកដល់ក្រុមហ៊ុនអារ៉ូម៉ា។

ម្សិលមិញ ខ្ញុំនាំប្អូនស្រីដើរលេង។  

គុណកិរិយាសំណួរ ​   (បង្ហាញពីសំណួរទាំងឡាយ) Adverb of Questions

គុណកិរិយាសំណួរ ​   ត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីសួរបញ្ជាក់អំពី


ទីកន្លែង (នៅឯណា ទីណា)

កាល (ពេលណា ម៉ោងប៉ុន្មាន ឆ្នាំណា)

បែបបទ​ (ដូចម្តេច យ៉ាងម៉េច)

នៃ កិរិយា


ស្អែក យើងរៀននៅកន្លែងណា?​

អ្នកស្រី ការស្នើសុំរបស់អ្នកស្រី យ៉ាងមេ៉ចហើយ?

គុណកិរិយាបរិមាណ (បង្ហាញពីចំនួន ឫ ជំរៅរបស់កិរយា ឬ គុណនាម) Adverb of Quantity


ម្តាយគ្រប់រូប ស្រលាញ់បុត្រភ្ងាណាស់



គុណកិរិយាកន្លែង     (បង្ហាញពីកន្លែង) Adverb of Places

គឺជាគុណកិរិយាប្រាប់ទីកន្លែងនៃអំពើរបស់កិរិយា ។ គុណកិរិយាកន្លែងទាំងនោះមានដូចជា៖ ខាងលើ ខាងក្រោម ខាងក្នុង ខាងក្រៅ ឆ្ងាយ ជិត ទីនេះ ក្បែទីនោះ …។






(ឯកសារយោង http://sokna70khmer.weebly.com/601860756030601660716042607160416070.html)

ត្រីខៀវ និង ក្រហម (The Blue and Red Fish| Khmer Poem Writing)

ត្រីខៀវ និង ក្រហម



នេះនឹងស្រដី          ថ្លាថ្លែងពីត្រីពីរហ្វូង

ឈ្លោះគ្នារំពង         ពីព្រោះតែហ្វូងទីទៃ។

ម្ខាងជាត្រីខៀវ      ស្រែកឡើងកញ្ជ្រៀវហាស្តី

ថាយើលោកត្រី      មានពណ៌ដូចស្អីក្រហម។

ត្រីម្ខាងថាយើ       ខ្លួនយើងទេតើម្តេចខ្វល់

ម្តេចនៅអំពល់      រសាប់រសល់ធ្វើអ្វី។

ត្រីខៀវក្រេវក្រោឌ   ចាប់ផ្តើមតម្លើងសម្តី

ស្រែកថាអើវៃ           ខ្លួនឯងចេះស្អីតូចទាប។

មើលយើងនេះណែ   ចេះអបចេះអែក្សត្រី

ដោយចិត្តភក្តី           ដោយសារសម្តីទើបមាន។

មិនដូចឯងទេ            ចេះតែសរសេរនិងរៀន

ចេះតែបង្រៀន           កុំមកបៀតបៀននិងយើង។

នេះហើយរឿងក្តី        សូមលោកប្រុសស្រីជួយគិត

ជួយកែរពិនិត្យ            បញ្ចេញគំនិតផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន។


Kolab Pailin (The Rose of Pailin)

Image result for kolab pailin

(Photo from http://www.elibraryofcambodia.org/)

Kolab Pailen (The Rose of Pailin) is one of the most famous literary pieces in Cambodia from generations to generations. There are many reasons why this novel is loved by many people in many generations. One of the main reasons is that this novel reflects the society and mindsets in Cambodia.

There are four main characters, Khun Neary (Lady Khun), Chao Chet, Balat (Provincial Officer) and Lhoung Ratanak Sombat (Lady Khun Father). Khun Neary is beautiful and bossy but, she is also considerate and kind. She is the daughter of a rich man in the village whose name is Lhoung Ratanak Sombat. Her father is the master of the gemstone digger group. One day she met a new worker who is Chao Chet, who is hard-working and really helpful to her whole family. One day, when her whole family and she went into the forest, their car broke and had to sleep inside the forest for the whole night. That night, there were thieves who attacked the family. Chao Chet, the new worker, went and shot back and forth with the thieves with full bravery that he nearly died at that moment. At the near-death moment, he confessed his true feeling for Khun Neary, saying that he has longed for her since he met her for the first time and Khun Neary also confessed back to him. However, Balat who is the provincial officer also liked Khun Neary and he was strongly opposed to this engagement. However, the two main characters fought with any obstacles they face until they could marry each other in the end.

This novel reflects on many problems and development of Cambodian Society. It is one of the treasures of literature in Cambodia

The Course of Ratio

Imagine you want to compare the numbers of women and men in the entire globe, but there are billions and billions of them. How can you easily compare those big numbers? 

Well, Ratio is our solution in this case.  “Ratio” is the comparison of two numbers in relevant to each other in the simplest form. Back to our problem, the ratio of women and men can be 1:4(one to four)meaning the number of men is 4 times greater than the number of women. 

(Photo from newsx.com) 

Ratio allows us to compare two related numbers easily and it helps us to understand the comparison faster in the simplest form. 

What do I mean when I say the simplest form? For example, in math class, there are 20 girls and 30 boys. We can say the ratio of girls to boys is 2:3 because we divided 20 by 10 and 30 by ten and we get its simplest form. If we want to make the number as its simplest form, we need to divide both numbers with the same number just like the upper example. 

Ratio is very useful when it comes to cooking. It allows us to cook in any size of the meal using the same formula. For example, the recipe is created for a 2 people meal but you want to cook that meal for a big party, you can look up its ratio and just multiply the number to make it suitable for your situation. 

For example, we need 2 eggs and 3 kilograms of flour(The ratio of eggs to flour is 2:3)to cook for 2 people. If you are using that same recipe for 18 people, you can multiply 2 with 18 and 3 with 18 to follow the ratio. 

Photography Basics

Photography is one of my favorite hobbies. In our multimedia class, I have learned about the different features of our cameras and the exposure triangle.

We learn about two of the three types of the camera which are DSLRs (Digital Single Lens Reflect) and Mirrorless cameras. This two camera processes the light that comes through the lens in different ways. DSLRs have a mirror and sensor to reflect and then capture the light while mirrorless just captures the light that comes with the shutter without traveling through the mirror and the sensor.

Exposure is the amount of light that reaches the camera sensor and there are three things that affect the exposure in photography which we call the exposure triangle, consist of Shutter Speed, Aperture & ISO.

(Photo from lightroompresets.com) 

Shutter Speed is the amount of time the shutter is open to permit light in. It is measured in a fraction of second (1/20, 1/500) The longer the shutter speed, the more light can come in through the lens. Besides affecting the light, Shutter Speed also is used to capture the different type of motions well including sports, etc.

Aperture is the size of the lens that let light into the camera. Adjusting Aperture will affect the depth of field (how blurry or clear your background is) Wide aperture has a shallow depth of field (causes the background to be blurry) whereas narrow aperture has a deep depth of field (clear background).  

(Photo from mynomadiclens.com)

ISO is the control over how sensitive is your camera to the light (the higher the ISO, the more sensitive it is to light which makes the photo brighter). However, increasing too much ISO can cause the photo to be noisy so we should increase it only when adjusting shutter speed and aperture is not enough.

In addition to that, I have learned about the different types of photos including long shot, full shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up, low angle, high angle, eye level, dutch angle/tilt, over the shoulder and bird’s eye view.

Here is the slide presentation of this lesson (from teacher Cindy) 


Covalent Bond and Ionic Bond.

As we learned before, all matters are made of different atoms and chemical elements. During the round 2 session, I have studied about Covalent Bond and Ionic Bond which are the combination of elements chemically as well as lessons about the elements in the periodic table. The atoms that are combined together to make different structures including molecules, crystals, etc; are joined together by the force of attraction from the chemical bond. The attraction is made when atoms share or transfer electrons. The electrons that can be shared or transfer are called the Valence Electrons which are located in the outer energy of an atom.

Ionic Bond: Some atoms share their valence electrons, but some atoms transfer their valence electrons from one atom to another. Ionic Bond is the transfer of valence electron from metallic ions to non-metal ions. Usually, the metallic ions give away their valence electrons to become positively charged and non-metals gain valence electrons to become negatively charged. Ionic Bonding creates Ionic compounds that include sodium chloride (salt) and potassium chloride (supplement to lack of potassium in the blood), etc.

Covalent Bond: Covalent bonds are the action of atoms sharing their valence electrons in order to be stable and have a complete outer energy level. Interestingly, covalent bonds only occur between non-metal elements. The two atoms that together share the valence electrons can be the same or different elements. According to ck12.org, if the bonds form between different elements, a covalent compound is formed. An example of Covalent Bonding is the creation of Hydrogen molecules. Hydrogen only has 1 valence electron and they need two in order to complete. Therefore, Hydrogen atoms each share a valence electron to the other and create  Hydrogen molecule.

Some properties of Covalent Compounds are: 

  • Exist as an individual rather than crystal
  • Covalent Compounds require less energy to pull them apart (weaker compounds compared to ionic bonds
  • lower melting and boiling point than an ionic bond

There are many types of covalent bonding including a single covalent bond, double covalent bond or triple covalent bond. Single Covalent Bond are the bonds that atoms share only a pair of electrons. Double Covalent Bond are the bonds that atoms share two pairs of electrons. Triple Covalent Bond are the bonds that atoms share three pairs of electrons.  

Another Example of Covalent Bonding is the water molecule, which consists of two hydrogen atoms (each with one valence electron) and oxygen (with 6 valence electrons). After they do covalent bonding with each other, they become the covalent compound.

Fun Facts: 

  • Noble Gases (Group 18 on the periodic table) have complete outer shells, which make them stable.
  • There’s a machine to see electrons and the structure of the atom. 
  • When an element is unstable, it is shaky (as viewed by scientists). 

Extra Experiment

This is an experiment when we pour water into the tubes, followed by cooking oil. We could see that the oil always stays separated from water. After that, we poured in food colorings and it slowly goes through the cooking oil but stays separated(as color droplets) and then slowly, the colors dropped into the water and created a wonderful sight. 

The Brief Science of Atoms



(Atoms Picture from Chem Boss) 

Everything that exists on this planet is made up of Atoms. Atoms are really tiny particles, consist of Electrons (negatively charged), Neutron, and Protons (Positively charged). Electrons are orbiting around the nucleus which includes Protons and Neutrons.

During the session of Atoms, I was in a group that researched specifically on Ions and Isotopes. According to my research, Ions are created when an atom has a net electrical charge due to the loss or gain of electrons. If an electron is lost, the atom will become a positive ion and if an electron is gained, the atom will become a negative ion.

Isotopes are a group of the same elements which has the same chemical properties, but what sets them apart is the numbers of neutrons and atomic mass. Based on the internet, Isotopes are given the same numbers of protons.

In other words, the changes of electrons can produce a net electrical charge in an atom and the changes of neutrons can change the atoms into isotopes.

Deeper into Algorithm

Algorithm is one of the most interesting lessons for me because it involves a lot of problem-solving concepts but we solve those problems by using smart and efficient formulas. During the course of algorithm, I am introduced to two new types of algorithm.

Our teacher (Cindy) gave us an extremely hard task which requires us to find the sum between 1 and 200 (1+2+3+4+5……200) with a limited time. As a result, all of us got the answers wrong in the first time; however after we are introduced to the formula to solve this problem which is (n+1) x (n/2), we could solve other problems that have the same goals so easily. We can take 200 which indicates n + 1 which is 201 to multiply with 100 which gives us the result of 20100.

Another algorithm that we have learned is divide and conquer. It is an algorithm used to solve problems by breaking it down into smaller pieces until we can manage to find the exact answers by following the same patterns of dividing over and over again. This is one example of a problem that can be solved using the divide and conquer algorithm:

In a museum, there is an ancient sculpture that has lasted since the very first centuries of human existence. Since it is a really important sculpture, there is a camera that takes a picture of the sculpture once every five minutes. One day, the security guard found it was missing during 8 am off Monday and 8 pm on Tuesday. Find out the exact time that the sculpture was stolen.

If I am not introduced to algorithm yet, I would find this problem as a days-long riddle in order to be solved. However, by using the divide and conquer algorithm, we can easily solve the riddle by using a simple pattern. First of all, we would divide all of the possible time for stealing the ancient sculpture into two. Then, we will ask for a photo from the camera that has taken during 8 pm on Monday which is right in the middle of 8 am on Monday and 8 pm on Tuesday. The next steps depend on what the photo shows; if it shows that the sculpture is still there at the time that the photo has taken, then it means the stealing happened later after that and if the photo does not show the sculpture, it obviously means that the sculpture was already stolen before this photo is taken. Then we can ask for a photo in the middle of each possible moments and continue the dividing until we find the exact moment that the sculpture has been stolen.



Khmer Poem (Khmer Literature Competition)

Khmer literacy contains a diversity of genre that evolves through many historical periods. In our Khmer class, we have been writing different types of poems, educational and creative stories, etc. We are working toward publishing a Khmer poem book that contains all of our junior cohort works.

Because of my love for writing poems and literature, I attended a delightful competition during the Khmer Literature Festival, 2018. There, I went up and read my poem ( Sot Komnap) in front of three judges including Mrs. So Phina (One of the organizers of the event as well as an author), Ms. Romdoul Lichtek (A model in Cambodia) and another Author in Cambodia. As a result, another Liger student named Vutha and me shared the first place together in the competition. Here is the Khmer Poem I wrote and shared during the competition. It is about the Kingdom of Cambodia and Battambang:

អាណាចក្រសុវណ្ណភូមិកម្ពុជា ដោយ ចលលី

ឪ!​ ប្រទេសខ្មែរជាតិមាតុភូមិ                      ​ ដែនដីភិរម្យល្អគ្មានពីរ
បុព្វបុរសប្តូរជីវី                                                 អ្នកប្រាជ្ញសំភីមិនធម្មតា។
សុវណ្ណភូមិខ្មែរមានតម្លៃ                               ​​ ពូជមារយាទថ្លៃតាមតម្រា
អរិយធម៌វប្បធម៌ដ៏អស្ចារ្យ                             កេរឹ៏្តពីដូនតាដំណែលមក។
ប្រាសាទនៅពាសពេញទឹកដី                         រូបចម្លាក់ក្តីទាញភ្ញៀវមក
ទេសចរណ៏បរទេសតែងនឹកភ្នក                  សរសើរជម្រកធម្មជាតិខ្មែរ។
ស្ពានថ្មស្ថាបនានាមាត់ស្ទឹង                           គង្គារសន្ធិឹងហូរឥតល្ហែរ
លោកតាគ្រញូងសូមជួយថែ                          ដងស្ទឹងសង្កែរបាត់ដំបង។
យើងជាកូនខ្មែរត្រូវរក្សា ​                                វប្បធម៏ដូនតាជាចម្បង
​សម្បត្តិធម្មជាតិទាំងនោះផង                      ជាការតបស្នងដូនតាយើង៕​